Sunday, November 07, 2004

Thanks living

text for the day is Luke 17:11-19. unique thought: the 9 Jews would never had been associates of the Samaritan had it not been for their common ailment of leprosy.

I'll be adding updates to my latest research. As it is today, I still can't access my Yahoo mail or geocities stuff to do any editing. So I have to get a batch ready, go to my parent's business, and post it all at once. I hope to have this resolved soon.

Less than 2 months to go until we'll be in the UK. I'm hoping that U.S. policy turns toward strengthening the dollar, though I have no idea what this entails.

Mark Goodacre has a link to an article which will prove useful in my teaching at Birmingham Christian College: Jacques Derrida and Biblical Studies by Yvonne Sherwood


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