Saturday, March 12, 2005

Getting lazy

I blogged a few days ago that I planned to do a half-marathon in Milton Keynes in March. Well, today is the day, but I'm not on my way. There are 2 major reasons for this. (1) Around two weeks ago I discovered that our church is having a Men's Day today, and I felt like I needed to be there. (2) There is no easy way to get to Milton Keynes. By "easy" I mean trip on a bus/train that would take less than 1 1/2 hours and cost less than 20 pounds roundtrip. So I'm off to the Men's Day in a few minutes. We expect men from all over the UK to be there.

I appreciate comments from my friends Lisa and Milan in the metro-D.C. area. Doesn't Milan think its cool that we've been to Milan? And, to Lisa, I expect my readers to be cultured enough to have seen one of the greatest artistic works of the aughts (00's), Napoleon Dynamite, and to recognize the fact that the picture to the right serves only to represent my supremely cultured taste. And I plan to rotate other stupid pictures in, too.

I started this post at around 8am this morning but had to leave to make it to the Men's Day on my bike. Arriving home just a few minutes ago, I discovered (a) my daughter has learned to ooze around the entire room on her belly and back, performing a series of flips, flops, and slides that can't really be called "crawling", (b) three other people have commented on my previous blog and (c) the preacher at Men's Day was Scottish and just as hard to understand as our normal preacher.

Now we're off to the High Street to buy turkey meat, a shirt for Mary, and a thank you card... the usual Saturday afternoon stuff.

I plan to blog about our supper guests last Thursday night later today.


At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,I became disenchanted with your movie list after you removed "Somewhere In time" from the top ten.And yes it is wonderful that you went to the city named in honor of my husband!
Lisa of Lisa&Milan

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S.If you had kept "Somewhere In Time" in the top ten you could have posted a picture of Jane Seymour and I would have thought you were pretty...........!!
Lisa of Lisa&Milan

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S.If you had kept "Somewhere In Time" in the top ten you could have posted a picture of Jane Seymour and I would have thought you were pretty...........!!
Lisa of Lisa&Milan


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